A few days ago I mentioned a neat quest chain in WoW involving those always fun Druids from D.E.H.T.A. Often after a high, you will hit a low, and I did with another quest chain in Wrath. This one starts North West of The D.E.H.T.A camp in the quarry.
There is a quest giver named Etaruk and a stone, that also gives quests. I forget the name of the stone, I do not want to back to that forsaken quarry. The gist of it is that some Mages, dogs and gnomes are stealing Kalu'ak stuff and you have to stop them.
I picked up the initial two quests and entered the quarry. Almost immediately I knew this was going to be bad. I have a quest to kill the treasure hunters and a quest to look at some signs. What I see is 3 types of creatures and a lot of potential flotsam to click on. You can probably guess where this is going.
I will spare you the pain and give you the condensed version. I had to go back to the quest givers 3 or 4 times, just to get sent out to kill the different mob or click on the different item. Does it matter I had to fight my way through all of the mobs every previous quest? Of course not. I passed by the garbage on the ground each time, but the rock didn't want to tell me to pick it up on my way by.
This is one of the main reasons I get frustrated with WoW. Does Blizzard pay their content folks per quest? Did they just need a time waster? Are they just mean? Blizzard is supposed to be about quality, this was the opposite.
The Death Knights get phasing, the rest of us in Northrend get this?
What I Don’t Like About Atomfall
11 hours ago