Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Werit Invades Northrend

Yesterday, my Copy of Wrath of the Lich King arrived. Since I still had an active subscription I figured I'd log in and see how it was going. My Protection Warrior was vacationing is Outland, so he took the first portal back to Stormwind. I cleared out his Quest Log and his inventory, and it was off to the harbor.

The harbor is actually pretty scenic. What is the deal with that gigantic gate? What is it keeping away from the harbor?

This leads me to my first complaint. Why am I going to Northrend? I could not find any quest to send me there. The boat at Stormwind will take me to Borean Tundra, while the boat in Menethil Harbor will take me to the Howling Fjord. Why would I go to one zone over another? Why go at all? I hear this is a big bad Lich King, but that is about it. I was hoping for some sort of story arch.

So I hopped on the boat to the Borean Tundra, for whatever reason. I only did about ~7 quests but everything seems nice enough. I like the environment. It looks like I will be fighting off the forces of the Lich King and looking into some Cultists.

One nice touch is that achievements gained are broadcasted to guild members, and it has nice clickable link text which tells you what it means.

So far, I have no replaced any gear (Kara stuff) and gold will be plentiful. There are a bunch of new combat animations I see going on which I have no clue about.

That pretty much covers my adventures in Northrend yesterday. I hope to get some time in today, but Heavy Metal calls.